Joshua 1:8 — "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
Studying scripture is fundamental to our spiritual health. The Bible is God's Word and His instructions to us. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture for us. In scripture, we are taught about God's character and reminded of God's faithfulness in the past. We are instructed on how to live holy lives of love, and we are convicted of our shortcomings.
I have personally struggled with consistent Bible study. My life seems to get too busy, and I honestly sometimes just blow it off because I'm running around "doing things for God." And during the seasons when I am lazy and neglect time in God's Word, I realize how simple it is to justify sin in my life. I lose focus on truth.
During the times when we faithfully meditate on God's Word, it's amazing how scripture overflows from our minds and is applied constantly throughout our day.
We're always meditating on something, whether it is scripture, a blog, or a conversation we're mulling over. The key is to shift our focus to scripture and truth as we go about our day. Try keeping God's Word on your mind for a day and watch how your perspective changes.
What are three scriptures you can meditate on today, or this week? What do you expect God to do when you turn your focus to Him during your day?
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