Friday, October 4, 2013

God's Peace (Day 2 of 4)

Isaiah 32:17 "And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever."

Tell God what you love about His Word, the Bible. Tell Him why you like a certain verse or story, and thank Him for it.

With Mom or Dad standing close by, try walking around the room wearing snowshoes, swim fins or shoes that are way too big. How far can you go without stumbling or wobbling? Do you think a rule that we shouldn't wear these things in the house would be a good idea?

Consider Psalm 119:165: "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble." God promises you a giant helping of peace when you do what His Word says. Following God's rules helps you make fewer mistakes, and you no longer have to worry about "stumbling" or getting hurt because of bad decisions. Living according to God's Word allows his peace to rule your heart. Whew! For a reminder of what God's Word says, review Psalm 18:30, 19:8, and 33:4.

  • Think about a rule that you follow, such as walking in the crosswalk or not running in the hallway at school. Are you more likely to get hurt when you follow the rules or when you don't follow them?
  • When have you felt peaceful because you obeyed God's Word?
  • How can you get God's peace back after you've goofed up?

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